

Matcha is the vibrant heart of Chado, the Japanese Tea Ceremony. This fine powder, born from meticulous tradition in Uji, Kyoto, embodies the essence of Japanese tea culture. Young gyokuro leaves, nurtured in shade for vibrant color and umami depth, are hand-picked at spring’s peak. Dried with care, their veins meticulously removed, they transform into tencha, ready for their final dance. In granite mills, these treasures are ground into a mesmerizingly fine, jade-hued powder – the soul of matcha.

Embrace the ritual. In your chosen teacup (chawan), measure 2 grams of matcha powder (using a matcha-saji). Awaken its essence with a touch of hot water (71-82°C, 160-180°F), using a bamboo whisk (chasen) to coax forth a frothy emerald paste (usucha). Gently add the remaining water (around 100ml), and behold – a vibrant elixir awaits.  Savor each sip, a journey through Japanese tradition. Let matcha transport you to a world of serenity and grace, a testament to the enduring beauty of ritual.

Enjoy the vibrant taste and frothy texture of matcha, while being mindful of its caffeine content. Compared to coffee, a standard serving of matcha prepared this way (around 70mg) has less caffeine than an average cup of brewed coffee (80-180mg). However, individual sensitivity to caffeine varies, so be sure to listen to your body and adjust your intake accordingly. For a larger serving of 8 ounces (236ml), simply double the amount of matcha to 4 grams and use around 200ml of water.
Matcha | High Caffeine | 71-82°C, 160-180°F | Use a bamboo whisk (chasen) to vigorously whisk in a zig-zag motion until a thick paste forms.
Chawan: Your teacup, often crafted from ceramic or porcelain, each with its own unique character.
Matcha-saji: A small bamboo spoon specifically designed for measuring matcha.
Our matcha hails from Uji’s hallowed grounds. First harvest leaves, kissed by the spring sun, imbue it with a vibrant character. Cultivated with generations’ wisdom, the Samidori varietal elevates it to a daily indulgence.
Reference for health benefits:
National Institutes of Health. (2021, April 20). Matcha. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
Reference for caffeine content:
Mayo Clinic. (2022, September 22). Matcha tea: Benefits, risks, and how to prepare it.


Matcha is the vibrant heart of Chado, the Japanese Tea Ceremony. This fine powder, born from meticulous tradition in Uji, Kyoto, embodies the essence of Japanese tea culture. Young gyokuro leaves, nurtured in shade for vibrant color and umami depth, are hand-picked at spring’s peak. Dried with care, their veins meticulously removed, they transform into tencha, ready for their final dance. In granite mills, these treasures are ground into a mesmerizingly fine, jade-hued powder – the soul of matcha.

Embrace the ritual. In your chosen teacup (chawan), measure 2 grams of matcha powder (using a matcha-saji). Awaken its essence with a touch of hot water (71-82°C, 160-180°F), using a bamboo whisk (chasen) to coax forth a frothy emerald paste (usucha). Gently add the remaining water (around 100ml), and behold – a vibrant elixir awaits.  Savor each sip, a journey through Japanese tradition. Let matcha transport you to a world of serenity and grace, a testament to the enduring beauty of ritual.

Enjoy the vibrant taste and frothy texture of matcha, while being mindful of its caffeine content. Compared to coffee, a standard serving of matcha prepared this way (around 70mg) has less caffeine than an average cup of brewed coffee (80-180mg). However, individual sensitivity to caffeine varies, so be sure to listen to your body and adjust your intake accordingly. For a larger serving of 8 ounces (236ml), simply double the amount of matcha to 4 grams and use around 200ml of water.
Matcha | High Caffeine | 71-82°C, 160-180°F | Use a bamboo whisk (chasen) to vigorously whisk in a zig-zag motion until a thick paste forms.
Chawan: Your teacup, often crafted from ceramic or porcelain, each with its own unique character.
Matcha-saji: A small bamboo spoon specifically designed for measuring matcha.
Our matcha hails from Uji’s hallowed grounds. First harvest leaves, kissed by the spring sun, imbue it with a vibrant character. Cultivated with generations’ wisdom, the Samidori varietal elevates it to a daily indulgence.
Reference for health benefits:
National Institutes of Health. (2021, April 20). Matcha. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
Reference for caffeine content:
Mayo Clinic. (2022, September 22). Matcha tea: Benefits, risks, and how to prepare it.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Tea type

Loose Leaf


1 oz, 16 oz, 2 oz, 3 oz


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