Earl Grey Lavender


Earl Grey Lavender

Delicious, our Earl Grey Lavender boasts a long and storied history of soothing relaxation and medicinal, culinary, and household use. The sweet, floral aroma combined with the classic blend of Earl Grey’s citrus and a hint of cream is bound to make this tea a perennial favorite.

Flavor Notes

Earl Grey Lavender combines classic citrus Earl Grey with sweet, floral lavender and a hint of cream, creating a soothing and aromatic blend.

Brewing Recommendations

Black | Loose leaf | high level of caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3-5 minutes.


Black Tea, Lavender, Orange, Blue Cornflowers, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Natural Bergamot Flavor, and Natural Creme Flavor

Packaging and Blending

Quite The Stir, LLC
York Springs, PA 17372


Earl Grey Lavender

Delicious, our Earl Grey Lavender boasts a long and storied history of soothing relaxation and medicinal, culinary, and household use. The sweet, floral aroma combined with the classic blend of Earl Grey’s citrus and a hint of cream is bound to make this tea a perennial favorite.

Flavor Notes

Earl Grey Lavender combines classic citrus Earl Grey with sweet, floral lavender and a hint of cream, creating a soothing and aromatic blend.

Brewing Recommendations

Black | Loose leaf | high level of caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3-5 minutes.


Black Tea, Lavender, Orange, Blue Cornflowers, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Natural Bergamot Flavor, and Natural Creme Flavor

Packaging and Blending

Quite The Stir, LLC
York Springs, PA 17372

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Tea type

Loose Leaf, Pyramid Tea Bag


1 oz, 16 oz, 2 oz, 3 oz, .50 oz. Tea Tasters, 10 Pyramid Tea Bags, Sips .20 oz


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